One Congregation: Two WOrship Experiences

Welcome to worship at AHUMC, where all are welcome! It is our hope that every person who joins us for worship feels welcomed and affirmed as a beloved child of God. 

Worship of our God is the heart of what we do as a congregation. We recognize that people connect with God in different ways, and we value different styles of worship. Scroll down to learn about our different worship experiences.

Traditional Worship

You are invited to the Sanctuary at 8:30 or 11:00 .a.m., where you will receive a warm welcome from our ushers and others in the pews. Our worship is enhanced by traditional hymns, as well as music from our Chancel Choir, Bell Conte Ringers (Handbell Choir), our Children's/Jr. Choirs, and our beautiful pipe organ. Communion is served weekly at 8:30 and on the first Sunday of the month at 11:00. For more information, please contact Dr. Mary Spradlin.


Our Encounter service begins at 11:00 in our Fellowship Hall. We value community and openness in a casual, relaxed, family friendly environment for you and your children to encounter God and one another, and go forth in love. We encounter God through a variety of worship experiences, passionate music, and weekly communion as an intergenerational community. An engaging children's sermon and designated area for children with activities allow for a special encounter with God and one another. You belong here! For more information, please contact Rev. Tim Clifford.