"You are a Blessing and a Child of God!"
Children are an important part of our worship community, and our congregation takes seriously our baptismal vows to help our children to grow in their faith as disciples of Jesus the Christ.
Our children's ministry seeks to nurture the faith lives of our children through:
- Sunday School (9:45 on Sunday mornings; come to the Children's Choir Room, which is located in the middle of the hallway on the second floor on in the west building. Take the stairs that are near the west entrance.)
- Children's and Jr. Choirs (K-6)
- Vacation Bible School
- Fellowship and Discipleship Ministries
The programs and ministries for children at AHUMC are designed and provided for the purpose of helping our children grow in their faith as disciples of Jesus the Christ, build community, and provide a firm foundation of faith that will support them throughout their lives.
Children's Director: Linda Nevitt (lnevitt@ahumc.com; 817.737.3161)