Our congregation began reading our Bibles together in January 2024. In 2025, we'll read the Book of Acts through Revelation, finishing by
Ash Wednesday!
The Bible Year(ish) includes three components:
- Daily Bible reading;
- Weekly small groups
- Sunday morning worship, as we preach our way through the Bible.
Please read below for details about The Bible Year(ish). Some additional tips that have been shared with our small group members can be found here.
Here's what you need to know:
I want to do this! But you all started reading some time ago. Is it too late to join? It's not too late! You can join at any time - just start reading on the current day and move forward. You can double up on readings to catch up - or not; the most important thing is to join! You can find our current Bible location here.
What do I need to get started? You need a Bible and our Daily Reading Plan.
Do I need a special Bible? No; you can use any Bible you like, including an online version if you prefer. Our Daily Reading Plan is taken from The NRSV Daily Bible, which can be purchased online in print (used) or for Kindle e-book reader. We recommend the New Revised Standard Version or the Common English Bible translation, but you can read any version that you prefer. Some may want a "study Bible" that contains notes about the text. Please note that all study Bibles have a theological bias, and some are not aligned with United Methodist theology. If you want to use a study Bible, we recommend the Harper Collins Study Bible or the Wesley Study Bible.
Where can I find the Daily Reading Plan? Right here! Daily Reading Plan
How long will the readings take each day? Everyone reads at a different speed, and some people like to reread things. We believe it will take most people about 15-20 minutes a day to complete the daily readings.
Do I need to participate in a small group? Small group participation is highly recommended. John Wesley considered Christian Conferencing to be a Means of Grace, one way that we deepen our connection with God and with each other. We understand the text better and gain understanding on how to apply it to our lives when we take time to reflect on its meaning in a group.
When do groups meet? Rev. Mary and Rev. Tim co-lead groups that meet at the church on Wednesday mornings (10 a.m.) and Wednesday evenings (6 p.m.). We also have an online group on Mondays at 6 p.m. Please email Linda Nevitt for a link to the online group.
How do I sign up for a small group? You are welcome to just show up for any group!
What if I miss some small group meetings? We hope you will make a commitment to be present as often as you can. If you miss a meeting, we'll look forward to seeing you when you can attend again.
What if I get off track and can't keep up with the readings? Maintaining a daily discipline can be challenging, and few of us will stay on track 100% of the time! If you miss, whether its one day or many days, we recommend you pick up with the current day's reading, then go back and do "make up" reading if you are able. The important thing is: Don't give up! Just start on the current day, and move forward from there.
Can I invite a friend? YES! Please do! ALL are welcome to participate, regardless of church membership or location. Sunday's sermons can be accessed from anywhere through our new sermon podcast.
When will The Bible Year(ish) end? We will finish on Sunday, March 2, 2025 - just before Ash Wednesday.